→ ドーベルマン → Merry Go Round(破麗威→葉里衣→真) → Smells(真) → highfashionparalyze(KAZUMA) → gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy
→ LAPSE → Another you(悠依) → Theia(ユイ) → Lamiel(aie) → kein → deadman、the God and Death stars → the studs → the god and death stars、highfashionparalyze、KEEL、THE MADCAP LAUGHS、gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy → the god and death stars、gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy、deadman、kein
→ RESEARCH(KAZUNORI) → Aioria(Kazu)(2001/09/12脱退) → 蜉蝣(kazu) → dim my division→DIMMDIVISION.、the god and death stars、HIGH FASHION PARALYZE → the god and death stars、gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy、STEREO.C.K、The THIRTEEN(サポート)
→ DEAD ENDローディ → The Harem Q → DIE-KUSSE → L'Arc-en-Ciel(Sakura→sakura) → ZIGZO(SAKURA→櫻澤泰徳) → SONS OF ALL PUSSYS(Sakura)、Lion Heads(Sakura-Die-Nerima) → ZIGZO、Rayflower、HIGH FASHION PARALYZE → Rayflower、gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy、THE MADCAP LAUGHS